GDPR Policy

GDPR Statement

The laws require us to make you aware of how we store and use your data. The Committee do not feel that we need to make any changes to comply with the 2020 GDPR at this time as the Society has always tried to minimise the data we store.

The Society holds the contact details you have supplied along with other relevant information such as your modelling interests and membership details. We hold this information in three ways and for the reasons specified:

Our Treasurer (Vacant) stores information on all members in a password protected database. This data is used for the administration of the Society and to generate up-to-date membership lists where members can contact other members solely for the promotion of Society objectives. The Society does not store any payment information such as credit/debit cards or PayPal details.

Our Bulletin Editor (Graham Astbury) uses the published membership list to send out postal copies of the newsletter and other Society information to members who are not on email.

Our Website Co-ordinator (Russ Coppin) uses data from the published membership list along with data stored securely on a Microsoft Outlook Online account to send out email copies of the newsletter and other Society information. Names and/or email addresses of past visitors, other organisations and email correspondence are also stored for publicity purposes. Over half of our members also have a user account registered on the Society website. Names, usernames plus any other details a person chooses to fill in are stored securely in a database on the webserver and passwords are encrypted and only readable by the user that created them.

The Committee will never pass on your information to a third party (unless required by law or the emergency services) or use it for commercial gain and we require all members to adhere to this policy.
Members and former members can at any time request a copy of the information we hold but this will take a little time to collate from the different sources.

If you have any questions regarding the above points please contact our Secretary.


(Created 25th May 2018, Last reviewed 9th January 2024)

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